Age of mythology isis strategy
Age of mythology isis strategy

Hello! I am writing this guide because my friend LNC_Goldenaxe inspired me with his Chinese rush guide and strategygamevideos youtube channel. There is just no convincing people that China is just a normal civilization with OP attributes like any other civilization. I have succeeded with a "tier 3" (In their opinion) civilization and got called a lamer/OP civ abuser. But as long as there are Isis players out there, or Loki players, I'm sticking with Shennong and will abuse the crap out of my strategies to dominate the battlefield. I don't think that everything about China needs to be nerfed, and there are even some things that need to be outright removed due to lack of use, or even buffed/changed (Qilin cost for example). On another note, there are some cases where I have relented and changed my opinion in that, yes, I do agree that there are some nerfs should be made, but I would rather see other civs buffed than see China nerfed (For example Poseidon's hetaroi generally, or Hades' gastraphetes who are weak in comparison to their age, cost, efficacy, etc.).

age of mythology isis strategy

Still working on the strategies section of this guide. I hope this guide is helpful.ĮDIT: I have responded to comments and added stuff. NOTE: someone please spread this to the other community sites I don't have accounts there and I would really like to get the word out.

Age of mythology isis strategy