Something about the fervor in that writing process made me think I was onto something important, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you. Shadowdark poured out of me with a kind of enthusiasm I don't often experience, even as a full-time writer working in a genre I love. In short, this book is how Dungeons & Dragons would look if I had written it from scratch. It captures all I love about old school D&D, new school RPGs, and many of the ideas that have grown out of the TTRPG world in the last 20 years. The above image is licensed under GPL 2.0.Shadowdark RPG is a classic fantasy roleplaying game that brings danger, speed, and simplicity to the forefront. Check our "Weekly Chat"-thread to discuss these. Boardgames, wargames, video games are usually offtopic. Comments deemed abusive may be removed by moderators. Refrain from personal attacks and discriminatory (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.) comments. Crowdfunding posts are limited to one announcement and one reminder across all users. Active members may promote their own content once per week. Limit Self-promotions (please before read before posting).

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