In the meantime, we would really like to do some limited testing of our software and do a small stress test of our brand new online API service. To give us a bit more time to polish things up (more on the web side than the application side) we're aiming for a full unlimited alpha release of Vortex on the week starting the 12th of February. With that in mind, the full release of Vortex is almost upon us.

Back in May of 2017 we named this replacement "Vortex" and we aimed for a January 2018 release date. The premise was simple, attempt to combine the simplicity of the Nexus Mod Manager with the advanced functionality of Mod Organizer and create something that is accessible to all types of modders. GTA is installed on E drive, Vortex installed to E drive (for testing, no change in behaviour with it on C drive), mod staging folder on E drive.For over a year now we've been working on a mod manager to replace the ailing Nexus Mod Manager. Platform (please complete the following information): oiv mod package, asking whether to install to the game files directly or to the mod folder.