With several options open, both Dori and Nori were added to the questing group to help. As it was, they only progressed part of the way towards the “Troll Camp” before making camp.Īt dawn Dori joined Gimli’s group: it was Thorin’s turn to be empty handed.

They could have become dispirited had Bilbo not shown that he was truly a “Burglar Baggins” and given them a boost. It was a good thing he did, as they heard word of another “Lone Land” as well as some “Dreary Hills”. The same three questers led the parties forward, but with the “Wandering Took” joining them. The next day Gimli’s group was again luckless in its search for assistance, but Thorin was able to recruit a “Snowbourn Scout” (who gave some assistance on finding the “Troll Camp”) and a “Wandering Took”. They were still enthusiastic and it was decided to head for the “Troll Camp”. The end result of the day’s travel was minimal, but that was fine. “A Suspicious Crow” was dealt with by Thalin before it could do any harm. Having “No Campfire” that night was not pleasant (though it did increase their overall nervousness about the mission), but “A Wind-whipped Rain” was no concern as they had no possessions exposed. As they were not well prepared (neither Gimli’s nor Thorin’s groups appeared to carry anything worthwhile), it was decided that there was no hurry to advance into unknown perils: they would take their time and use it to collect other companions and equipment that they would no doubt need.īilbo, Thalin and Thorin were the initial questers, searching for the correct route, and they soon heard that the “Lone Lands” were somewhere ahead. The only thing they knew for sure was that there was a “Troll Camp” somewhere ahead. Bilbo of course was not to be tied to a single group – he spent his time equally between the two.Īt dawn they set off, with little idea of where to go and a fair amount of reluctance. They sorted themselves into two small groups: Gimli, Thalin and Ori in one group and Thorin Oakenshield, Glóin and Nori in the other. The First Quest: “We Must Away Ere Break of Day”Īfter the stirring speech from Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves were agreed: they were off adventuring.