What the fuck is a fidget spinner
What the fuck is a fidget spinner

what the fuck is a fidget spinner

Well, the fidget spinner is sold as a boredom and stress reliever for children, particularly those with ADHD (although there's no evidence proving that they have legitimate medical benefits to overly active kids, and many schools have started banning fidget spinners altogether). Anyway, there are a variety of "tricks" you can perform with a fidget spinner, although these tricks make walking the dog with a yo-yo look like Olympic gymnastics by comparison.

what the fuck is a fidget spinner what the fuck is a fidget spinner

It was mildly diverting until the spinner fell and marked up the hardwood floor. You can also balance it on your finger while it spins, which I attempted. It's a weighted three-pronged thingie with a lone wheel at the center and three inset wheels at each end. It's like kids have some kind of network of underground cables to alert one another the second some big new toy shit happens.

What the fuck is a fidget spinner